Getting your Hands on Affordable College Text Books
Every semester, the cost of affordable college text books seem to get more and more expensive. There are
ways to buy cheap college textbooks and save quite a bit of
money to boot. College teachers wait for too long and order not enough college text books to the
college bookstores. Sometimes they will order them to the wrong stores where they seem to charge the most.
If I could buy every needed college text book online, I would never get overcharged, that's for sure. I would
certainly pay the lowest prices for all my reading material. Unfortunately there are often not enough
used text books around. Some classes change their reading material too frequently, while other professors are
actually designing new classes every semester. It does not seem too fair to students.
A few professors get around the problem of expensive college text books by using course packs as an
alternative to the college books. Course packs are indeed much easier and a cheaper alternative to text books.
Because you have them printed yourself at copy shops, you can get course packs for just a bit of what college text
books cost. There really is no comparison. The only problem is that course packs do not last nearly as long, with
the quality somewhat inferior. Since you make the copies yourself, there can be small errors in
copying the college course pack. I still like them hands down to college text books. I could
hardly care that they are cheaply copied, or that they do not look like a college book. They have all
the information needed and are often more updated than college text books.
Look at the each of your classes ahead of time and you may get your college text books online by
maybe at the latest; the second week of starting your courses. During this time, you can keep up on your
required reading by borrowing the college text books of other people in your class.
Good used college text books are far more affordable than newer ones, and they still are usually in
pretty good shape. They are in high demand at this time which makes it a little more difficult to track some down,
but with some persistence it can be accomplished!
Here is our Best Recommendation and Used by many Colleges
for Textbooks
a few minutes?
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