About the US Department of Education Student Aid

Students interested in pursuing the dream of a college education can achieve that drive with the availability of a US Department of Education
Student Aid. This type of loan is one of the best venues around for students who are truly serious about obtaining a college education but
who have no way of directly funding their drive. This loan provides several different options and numerous benefits including the following:
- No credit check
- Several repayment options
- Low interest rates
Several different loans are actually offered through the US Department of Education Student Aid program, including these:
- Subsidized Stafford Loan
- Unsubsidized Stafford Loan
- PLUS loan for parents
- Federal Perkins Loan
The PLUS loan program gives parents of students the option to borrow up to 100% of their child’s cost of education. Parents are eligible for
this loan even if they do not demonstrate a financial need and regardless of income. The Subsidized Stafford Loan is available for both graduate
and undergraduate study. While the student is in school, the interest on the loan is paid by the federal government. This loan is need based, so
not all applicants may qualify. The Unsubsidized Stafford Loan is also available for graduate and undergraduate study. Unlike the Subsidized
Stafford Loan, with this loan the student is responsible for the interest that is accrued on the loan while they are in school. This is not a
needs based loan, so students may be eligible for the loan even if they do not show a financial need for the Federal Perkins loan is a type of
student loan that is available to both graduate and undergraduate students. Applicants must demonstrate financial need in order to qualify for
this loan. Funds are disbursed by the school and must be repaid to the school. There are few eligibility requirements for this type of loan;
however the few that do apply typically include attending an approved college at least half-time and not being in default on any other federal
student loan.
US Department of Education Student Loan Aid Resource To see if your available to receive United States Department
of Education Student Loan Aid visit:
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United States
department of education student aid offers a wide array of student and educational assistance.